Sonam Kapoor took to Instagram to share glimpses of her Christmas celebrations in London with family and friends. From sumptuous dinners outside to cosy moments at home, the actress shared several sneak peeks through her carousel post. One of her foodie updates showed a multi-course meal, which was specially curated for the occasion by Chef Himanshu Verma. The Christmas lunch for Sonam Kapoor and her family was thus an elaborate and scrumptious affair. The chef has shared glimpses of the meal prep as well as the final look of many of the dishes on Instagram.
Also Read: Sonam Kapoor Hosts A Sumptuous Dinner Party, Chef Reveals All Incredible Dishes On Menu
The menu included vibrant vegetarian, non-vegetarian and seafood options. The feast began with Hamachi Crudo, Cream of Pumpkin Soup, Chicken & Leek Gyoza, Prawn Tempura and Veg Tempura. The glistening gyozas were stylishly served on skewers and drizzled with a chipotle aioli. The salad was a mix of rocket, pinenuts and heirloom tomatoes with fresh basil pesto. It was topped with burrata and served with a basil crostini on the side.
The main course exuded festivity and indulgence. The guests feasted on a whole roasted turkey with a honey and herb glaze. The menu also featured Braised Beef Short Ribs, Tonnarelli Arrabbiata and Chard Grill Cauliflower. These were accompanied by various sides including basmati pulao, glazed baby carrots, grilled broccolini, fried garlic Brussels, sweet potato mash and potato roastie.
Also Read: Sonam Kapoor's Private Chef Shows "The Best Plateware" She Gave Him For Dinner Party
A Christmas celebration would be incomplete without decadent desserts and this one was no different. Sonam Kapoor and her guests had the opportunity to relish a textural treat in the form of Berries and Crumble with Vanilla Chantilly. There was also another sweet delight which sounded especially tempting in this season: a pecan-rich brownie with a sticky toffee glaze. Take a look below:
Before this, Sonam Kapoor had shared delicious updates from her family vacation in the Maldives. Click here to learn more.
from NDTV News- Special
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